EU Projects
Starting project “UAB “Hotel Services” implementation of design and marketing innovation”.
By decree No. 4-1398 of the Lithuanian Minister of Economy and Innovation, dated 23 December, 2021, the project of UAB “Hotel Services” “UAB “Hotel Services” implementation of design and marketing innovation” was awarded 50025.00 EUR funding under the “Creative Cheques COVID-19” measurement.
Goal of the project – the use of innovative services, provided by the subjects from creative and cultural industry sector in creating marketing innovation and design solutions for food packaging.
Planned project activities: 3 design solution creation activities, 1 marketing campaign.
UAB “Hotel Services” control 4-star hotels “Daugirdas” and “Perkūno namai”, they also provide remote services of a tasting menu. Taking customers’ needs into consideration, UAB “Hotel Services” is planning to also start providing remote services of breakfast and lunch, expanding the assortment of their products, and introducing significantly different products to the market.
Project No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-861-01-0503 “UAB “Hotel Services” implementation of design and marketing innovation” is financed by the European Regional Development Fund, as a response measure to the COVID-19 pandemic of the European Union.
Duration of project implementation – until 31 January, 2031.
Starting project „UAB „Hotel Services“ e-commerce model implementation“
By decree No. 4-160 of the Lithuanian Minister of Economy and Innovation, dated 28 January, 2022, the project of UAB “Hotel Services” “UAB “Hotel Services” implementation e-commerce model implementation” was awarded 560.00 EUR funding under the “E-commerce model COVID-19” measurement.
Goal of the project – implementation of information technologies to handle business deals electronically in order to grow the income.
The plan for the project is to create a system of an e-commerce model to provide remote service for clients: enabling hotel booking, with the guest seeing the number of vacancies and prices in real time, to enable the specific price per customer, possibility to book additional services, messaging the client with booking confirmation, conditions and possibility of payment in advance, orders of events and gift vouchers, logging into reservations, enabling the connection with restaurant service system.
UAB “Hotel Services” control two business class hotels, “Daugirdas” and “Perkūno namai”, at this time.
Project No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860-01-0280 “UAB “Hotel Services” implementation e-commerce model implementation” is financed by the European Regional Development Fund, as a response measure to the COVID-19 pandemic of the European Union.
Duration of project implementation – until 22 February, 2023.
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